2015 AWRA Washington State Conference - Water Management Strategies in the Face of Climate Change
Meeting Date: 10/22/2015
- 10/22/2015
Location: Seattle, WA
Website: Website
This year’s conference will focus on the latest understanding of impacts of climate change to water resources in Washington State and potential strategies for adapting to these changes. The warm winter of 2015, perhaps a typical year in future decades, provides an interesting backdrop for discussing climate change impacts.
Although the rate and magnitude of climate change is uncertain, there is clear scientific evidence that global temperatures will warm considerable over the next century, resulting in significant changes to temperature and precipitation patterns across the globe. Most models predict that Washington State will experience significant reductions in snowpack, dramatically changing the runoff patterns for streams and rivers that drain mountainous basins with snow-dominated hydrographs. In general, runoff is expected in increase in winter months and decrease in summer months.
The impacts associated with these changes in runoff patterns are substantial and widespread, and the conference will address impacts associated with fisheries, power generation, domestic and industrial water supply, irrigated agriculture, recreation (e.g., skiing, boating, and fishing), and flood control. Most importantly, the conference will focus on discussing various strategies to address these impacts. As always, we will include speakers with diverse backgrounds and alternative viewpoints and hope to stimulate discussions regarding potential solutions.
An evening reception will follow the conference with an opportunity to meet and mingle among water resource professionals, and the opportunity to enjoy a variety of hors d’oeuvres and select beverages.
Please contact one of the conference co-chairs with questions: Scott Kindred () or Steve Nelson ().