2017 Southwestern Tribal Climate Change Summit
Meeting Date: 9/19/2017
- 9/21/2017
Location: San Diego, CA
Website: Website
September 19-21, 2017
University of San Diego
San Diego, CA
The 2017 Southwest Tribal Climate Change Summit aims to provide environmental professionals from regional tribes, and other organizations an opportunity to meet and discuss strategies to respond to current policies, regulatory initiatives, and technical topics in responding to climate change impacts. The summit is a cooperative endeavor co-sponsored by the La Jolla Band of LuiseƱo Indians, the University of San Diego's Climate Education Partners (CEP), the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) and the Climate Science Alliance (CSA),and is made possible by support and funding from the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affair's (BIA) Tribal Resilience Program.
More info and registration