Freshwater discharge into the Gulf of Alaska: historical conditions and future scenarios

Meeting Date: 4/5/2016

- 4/5/2016

Location: Webinar

Freshwater discharge into the Gulf of Alaska
Tuesday 5 April 2016, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (AK)

Freshwater discharge into the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) is controlled by a complex set of meteorologic and hydrologic processes. We use high resolution energy-balance models to determine the timing, spatial distribution, and composition (rain, snow-melt, ice-melt) of runoff from the entire GOA watershed. Model results demonstrate good agreement with GRACE satellite data in terms of annual amplitudes and long term losses (ice loss). We use a set of climate models and future emissions scenarios in order to test the sensitivity of the hydrologic system to changes in precipitation and temperature patterns. Initial results demonstrate large changes in runoff characteristics.