Meeting Date: 4/20/2016
- 4/20/2016
Location: Anchorage & Fairbanks, AK/Webinar
Website: Website
Wednesday, April 20 -- 12-1 PM (Alaska Time)
Diagnosing the drivers of rain on snow events in Alaska using dynamical downscaling
Peter Bieniek (International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks)
Rain on snow (ROS) events are fairly rare in Alaska but have broad impacts ranging from economic losses to hazardous driving conditions to difficult caribou foraging due to ice formation on the snow. While rare, these events have recently increased in frequency in Alaska and may continue to increase under the projected warming climate. Dynamically downscaled data are now available for Alaska based on historical reanalysis for 1979-2013, while CMIP5 historical and future scenario downscaling are in progress. These new data offer a detailed, gridded product of rain and snowfall not previously possible in the spatially and temporally coarser reanalysis and GCM output currently available. Preliminary analysis shows that the dynamical downscaled data can identify extreme ROS events in Interior Alaska. The ROS events in the dynamically downscaled data are analyzed against observations and the ERA-Interim reanalysis data used to force the historical downscaling simulations. Additionally, the synoptic atmospheric circulations conditions that correspond to major ROS events in various regions of Alaska are analyzed. Such analysis is beneficial for operational forecasters with the National Weather Service and for diagnosing the mechanisms of change in future climate projections.
Join us:
Anchorage: US Fish & Wildlife Service Regional Office, 1011 E. Tudor Rd., Office of Subsistence Management Conference room Fairbanks: US Fish & Wildlife Service Field Office, 101 12th Ave., Refuges Conference Room Online Join WebEx meeting Meeting number: 749 553 334 Meeting password: AKlcc2016!
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