Alaska Region Climate Outlook Briefing
Meeting Date: 5/19/2017
- 5/19/2017
Location: Webinar
Fri, May 19, 1pm – 2pm
OneNOAA Science Seminar Series
Presenter: Richard Thoman, Climate Science and Services Manager, NWS Alaska Region
Seminar Sponsor: Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy, Point of Contact:
Remote Access: Register at
Abstract: This webinar will review recent conditions and current state of the climate system in and near Alaska and the status of important global climate drivers, review guidance available for the monthly and seasonal scale outlooks and finish up with the official outlooks by NOAA's Climate Prediction Center.
About the Speaker: Richard Thoman works as the Climate Science and Services Manager, for NWS Alaska Region Headquarters. He works closely with NOAA line offices and partners throughout Alaska providing information on climate monitoring, analysis and forecasting at the two week to one year time frame
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(Richard Thoman,Climate Science and Services Manager, NWS Alaska Region)