Meeting Date: 10/17/2017
- 10/17/2017
Website: Website
Northern Latitudes LCCs Webinar Series
Tuesday, Oct. 17; 12-1 PM (Alaska Time)
Building a Better Bird Map: Audubon Alaska’s 2017 Ecological Atlas of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas
Max Goldman, Arctic Marine Ecologist for Audubon Alaska
The Ecological Atlas of the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas is a comprehensive, trans-boundary atlas that represents the current state of knowledge in a wide breadth of relevant Arctic marine domains centered around the North Pacific Arctic, ranging from physical oceanography to species ecology to human uses. Our process involves intensive research and consultation with experts, as well as gathering and analyzing the most recent and robust data available. The resulting maps integrate disparate datasets of points, tracks, or polygons into a few cohesive and complementary data layers that serve to visually describe a particular process or species’ activity and movements through the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas. We will introduce some of our maps and discuss our process from identifying our audience, to intensive data gathering and syntheses, through the cartographic process where the story is solidified and visualized.
Join us: Anchorage: US Fish & Wildlife Service Regional Office, 1011 E. Tudor Rd., Office of Subsistence Management Conference room Fairbanks: US Fish & Wildlife Service Field Office, 101 12th Ave., Refuges Conference Room Online: Audio Call-in number: 1-866-755-3168 Access code: 402 119 14#
Webex Go to Meeting number: 743 981 278 Meeting Passcode: 7iMaJ3F*
Contact [(907)456-0404] with any questions.