Columbia Coast Blueprint Webinar

Meeting Date: 3/18/2016

- 3/18/2016

Location: Webinar

Join us for a webinar on Friday, March 18th, 9-10am to learn more about the progress of our Landscape Conservation Design Project in the Lower Columbia River & outer coasts of Oregon and Washington: Columbia Coast Blueprint.

We have completed two in-person Core Team meetings and made great progress on building a strong and diverse Core Team, developing a draft project plan, setting project boundaries, developing a website, and more.

For those of you who have been unable to attend these meetings, we will be hosting a 60 minute webinar to provide an overview of the progress made to date. We welcome all who have expressed interest in this project, and other parties who may be interested but are not yet involved. Please feel free to forward this invitation.

Webinar Goals:

  • Provide a brief overview of the purpose of the Landscape Conservation Design, including the genesis of the project and current status
  • Walk through an updated version of the Project Plan that incorporates all edits to date
  • Assess level of buy-in re: geographic scope
  • Create an opportunity for discussion and additional feedback on process and products to date
  • Inform participants of key next steps and opportunities to participate