Distribution and biology of Pacific hake during winter 2016
Meeting Date: 6/2/2016
- 6/2/2016
Location: Seattle, WA
Thu, June 2, 2pm – 3pm
Where: Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium: 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112
OneNOAA Science Seminar Series
Presented by: Dr. Sandy Parker-Stetter, Research Fishery Biologist, NWFSC, NOAA Fisheries
Sponsor: NWFSC Monster Seminar JAM
Remote Access: Webex: https://nwfsc200.webex.com/nwfsc200/j.php?MTID=m0d6a604678d61bd6f3268dfb7f8a1388 Join by phone 1-650-479-3207 Access code and meeting number: 283 881 307 NWFS directions: http://www.nwfsc.noaa.gov/contact/map.cfm
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(Dr. Sandy Parker-Stetter, Research Fishery Biologist, NWFSC, NOAA Fisheries)