Meeting Date: 11/15/2016
- 11/15/2016
Location: Davis, CA
Website: Website
November 15, 2016
University of California Davis
The theme of the 2nd annual Do No Harm workshop is considerations for the use of non-local species in ecological restoration.
This year the workshop focuses on the use of non-local plant materials in restoration activities to:
1) Identify stumbling blocks to achieving ecologically and economically successful restoration of disturbed lands in California.
2) Bring experts, practitioners, suppliers, and policy makers together to develop best management practices to overcome these obstacles.
Who should attend: Land owners, conservation organizations, trusts, agencies and jurisdictions managing open space or rights-of-way, nurseries, seed collectors and distributors, consultants, conservation organizations, researchers, policy makers, and any other active practitioners of restoration and suppliers of restoration materials or services.
Topics covered: Geographical sourcing of reliable ecotypes and species; management of conservation lands and policies constraining management; biogeography and current/future climate considerations for plant material selection, including non-natives; the role of breeding system, genetic structure, and phenotypic plasticity in selecting and sampling plant material populations; inadvertent selection during multiple generation grow-out operations; local/non-local/non-native tolerance to abiotic and biotic stressors in restoration, including resistance to subsequent exposure to invasion by non-desirable species.