GNLCC Webinar: Ranking Watersheds for Climate Change Resilience Using Historical Snowpack Data
Meeting Date: 1/13/2016
- 1/13/2016
Location: Webinar
Website: Website
Date and Time: Jan 13, 2015 12 pm Mountain / 11 am Pacific
Presenter: Len Broberg, University of Montana
Climate change adaptation is at the forefront of many conservation and management agendas, yet information to prioritize areas for adaptation efforts is lacking. In the Crown of the Continent landscape, late summer and fall streamflow and soil moisture is strongly influenced by snowpack. Using a 34 year dataset of snowpack snow water equivalent values from remote sensing data (Daymet), the watersheds of the Crown of the Continent are ranked by average June 1 snowpack and the rate of snowpack retention April 1-June 1 as an analog for potential future climate change impacts on snowpack deposition and retention. The resulting rankings can be one piece of information useful in selecting adaptation sites with higher relative climate change resilience.
About the presenter: Len Broberg is a Professor of Environmental Studies at the University of Montana in his 21st year on the faculty. He has a JD from Wayne State University and a PhD in Biology from the University of Oregon. He has researched and implemented conservation planning in the US-Canada Rocky Mountains and acted as the University of Montana lead for the Transboundary Policy, Planning and Management Initiative partnered with the University of Calgary and Mount Royal University since 1999.
Webinar space is limited to 100 people. If you miss the webinar, a recording will be available on the Great Northern LCC webinar webpage and YouTube Channel.