Meeting Date: 6/27/2016
- 6/27/2016
Location: Webinar
Website: Website
Speaker: Dominique Bachelet, Conservation Biology Institute and John Wilson, BLM Nevada June 27 1pm Pacific
Description: The combination of projected climate change and land use adds uncertainty to the long-term effectiveness of current management strategies. Managers need reliable information to adjust their strategies as population density increases. However they are currently overwhelmed by the diversity of available information and the multiplicity of sources. The Conservation Biology Institute (CBI) has been working to centralize and package the usable information for land managers and for the general public in order to increase awareness and promote preparation for the challenges ahead. CBI is designing conservation planning atlases in Data Basin for a number of landscape conservation cooperatives and working closely with a group of managers to refine ways to deliver relevant metrics. Through interviews, they have gathered information and critical feedback on existing climate-related web pages and tools, providing benchmarks for improvement.
This webinar is part of the Great Basin LCC 2016 webinar series. Each webinar includes a 30 minute overview of a project co-presented by a scientist and manager, followed by a discussion focused on how the work can be applied and possible collaborations.