Meeting Date: 4/8/2015
- 4/8/2015
Location: Webinar
Website: Website
Date and Time: April 8, 2015 12-1 pm Mountain / 11am-12pm Pacific
Host: GNLCC Rocky Mountain Partner Forum
Presenter: Bray Beltran, Spatial Ecologist, Heart of the Rockies Initiative
The Heart of the Rockies Initiative conservation atlas is an interactive DataBasin portal that allows our conservation partners to access and apply a dynamic compilation of science products in landscape integrity, connectivity, and climate change impacts and responses. Portal data are derived from numerous agency, university, and NGO led research and planning efforts. We provide our partners this best available science, coupled with resource occurrence and land use information, at scales needed to ensure that on-the-ground conservation investments secure cost efficient and durable landscape conservation outcomes.
Bray Beltran is a spatial ecologist with extensive knowledge of species distribution modeling, climate and land-use change effects on ecosystems, and conservation science. He holds a M.S. in Environmental Life Sciences from Arizona State University. His career goal is to promote biological conservation and sustainability in socio-ecological systems using the ecosystem services framework to inform policy and decision-making. Bray grew up in Colombia but has been living in the US since 2000.