Monitoring Resources New Navigation and Example of the Tools

Meeting Date: 3/10/2016

- 3/10/2016

Location: Webinar

March 10th, 9am (PST)

PNAMP will host a series of of webinars focused on the Monitoring Resources web toolset for monitoring practitioners. We invite you to join us on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 9 am (PST), beginning March 10 and continuing through 2016.

Monitoring Resources, is designed to assist practitioners in documenting how, when, where, and why data are collected via a free, publicly accessible web resource. Modeled after Oakely et al's (2003) Guidelines for long-term monitoring protocols, practitioners are guided to publish standard documentation so that data collection protocols, methods and designs are immediately accessible to research and monitoring implementers, funders, and colleagues. Additionally, this documentation is sustained by PNAMP so it is available into the future, which is essential to ensuring that data are well managed and available for decision making and future science. Funders and program managers can review existing and proposed work and better understand gaps and overlaps in a given spatial extent.

Monitoring Resources can link to other information systems (e.g., project tracking systems, databases, metadata repositories) for automated updating of your documentation. Monitoring Resources can also send metadata to your internal project tracking system via web services. Some have said "data are the currency of a monitoring program"; if so, documentation of your data collection protocols, methods and designs is key to your good work.

Each month, our webinar will focus on one feature of Monitoring Resources. Join us March 10 to learn about the new Monitoring Resources navigation and an example of how one monitoring project is currently using the tools to document their work. Each webinar will begin with a short overview of tools, followed by an in depth presentation of a specific topic, then open discussion.

Please contact us if you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to schedule one-on-one training sessions. You can reach us at for more information.