National Weather Service Alaska Climate Forecast Briefing

Meeting Date: 3/19/2015

- 3/19/2015

Location: UAF Campus/webinar

THURSDAY, March 19, 2015 3:30pm AKDT

Rick Thoman, Climate Science and Services Manager Environmental and Scientific Services Division
National Weather Service Alaska Region

Do you lay awake at nights wondering what the upcoming season will be like? Want to place bets with friends and family on next month's weather? If so, good news:

The tools and techniques for making monthly and season scale climate forecasts are rapidly changing, with the potential to provide useful forecasts at the month and longer range. Rick Thoman will review recent climate conditions around Alaska, review some forecast tools and finish up with the Climate Prediction Center's forecast for April and the spring season.

Rick will also present a "Model-of-the-Month" special feature in which each month he will explain one or two of the models that is used in the forecasts in greater detail.

Available in-person at the NWS Conference room (room 351) in the Akasofu Building on the UAF Campus or online.

For online access register here.

Feel free to bring your lunch and join the gathering in-person or online to learn more about Alaska climate and weather.

This will be a monthly series generally taking place the third Friday of each month. Due to scheduling conflicts this month is on a special day and time!

Recordings from past Briefings available here