Meeting Date: 4/8/2015
- 4/8/2015
Location: Webinar
Website: Website
What is killing salmonberry and blueberry plants in south central Alaska? Is it related to climate change?
An outbreak of Geometrid moths has decimated subsistence berry harvest in South Central Alaska. This project developed a risk model to predict where subsistence berry plants will be most resistant to Geometrid attack. These models were used to determine if and how silvicultural treatments could enhance the abundance and productivity of blueberry plants.
Chugachmiut is the Tribal consortium created to promote self-determination to the seven Native communities of the Chugach Region in Alaska. In 2013, The NPLCC and Alaska Climate Science Center provided funding to the Chugachmiut to study these climate related effects on subsistence berry plants.
Please join us for this science-management webinar with Nathan Lojewski of the Chugachmiut on Wednesday, April 8th from 9-10am Alaska/10-11am (Pacific) as we share the process and results of this project.
More about the project
Visit the Chugachmiut website
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