Meeting Date: 5/13/2015
- 5/15/2015
Location: Vancouver, B.C.
Website: Website
Renewable Cities: Global Learning Forum
13-15 May, 2015
Vancouver, B.C.
The Global Learning Forum takes place over three days and the event launches with "Powered by PechaKucha" evening event to showcase the cultural shift to 100% renewable energy in cities. Over the next two days, participants will have access to small group capacity building sessions that are expertly facilitated as well as panel discussions. Outside of the Forum, networking and optional site visits to Vancouver’s cleantech and RE installations will take place.
Capacity building sessions make up the core of the Global Learning Forum. These sessions take three main forms: Knowledge Mobilization, Peer-to-peer, and Intent-to-action. Throughout these sessions, participants will share their own experiences while learning from other leaders working in cities, utilities, businesses, NGOs, and researchers on the challenges of implementing renewable energy and energy efficiency in cities. The sessions have been developed through the lenses of legislation, building political will, finance, and technology with an eye on themes that cut across these fields.