River Restoration Northwest, Annual River Restoration Symposium

Meeting Date: 2/2/2016

- 2/4/2016

Location: Stevenson, Washington

15th Annual River Restoration Symposium
At Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, Washington, USA
February 2nd through 4th, 2016

The intent of the Symposium is to convene, share information, and foster dialogue on a multi-disciplinary approach to stream restoration and related watershed and river sciences, hence a broad range of speakers and topics is encouraged. Our participants typically include restoration planners, designers, engineers, biologists, hydrologists, geomorphologists, regulators, scientists and land/resource managers. On the occasion of our 15th anniversary symposium, we are highlighting the following featured themes:

  • Adapting to Climate Change
  • Aquatic and Riparian Invasive Species
  • Columbia River Treaty Implications
  • Floodplain Functions and Values
  • Tribal Restoration Interests, Issues and Efforts

The RRNW Symposium format is organized to encourage dialogue on pertinent topics that forward the practice and science of river restoration. We feature a plenary format over the three-day program of invited speakers and accepted oral presentations, delivered in topically grouped sessions. Oral presentations are 20-minutes long, including Q&A. Selected poster presentations will be exhibited during a special session facilitating additional interaction with authors and colleagues. Additional program highlights are short-courses on Monday February 1st and a field trip on Friday February 5th.

For additional information about RRNW, and links to past Symposia program topics, please visit: http://www.rrnw.org