Seagrass, climate, birds and seals: Understanding limits on Puget Sound herring recovery

Meeting Date: 3/10/2016

- 3/10/2016

Location: Seattle, WA

Thu, March 10, 2pm – 3pm Where
Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium: 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112 map Calendar
NOAA - Science Seminar Series Created by
Description OneNOAA Science Seminar Series

Presented by: Dr. Tessa Francis, Lead Ecosystem Ecologist, Puget Sound Institute, University of Washington Tacoma

Sponsor: NWFSC Monster Seminar JAM

Remote Access: Join by phone 1-650-479-3207 Access code: 283 881 307

Abstract: TBD

(Dr. Tessa Francis, Lead Ecosystem Ecologist, Puget Sound Institute, University of Washington Tacoma)