Tribal Climate Change Webinar Series: Climate Change and Marine Issues in the Pacific Northwest
Meeting Date: 5/21/2014
Location: Webinar
Website: Website
May 21, 2014, 11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. PDT This spring, a collaboration between the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) at Northern Arizona University, the PNW Tribal Climate Change Project at the University of Oregon, the USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, and the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative is resulting in a series of webinars exploring climate change in the Pacific Northwest and the impacts facing tribes in the region. Topic areas for the webinars include marine issues, fisheries, forests, and invasive species and pests. Funding for this webinar series has been provided by the USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station. This webinar will provide highlights of current science about climate change and sea level rise, ocean acidification, and effects of rising water temperature on disease processes, and a discussion of the implications of these impacts for tribes. Presenters Ian Miller, Coastal Hazards Specialist, Olympic Peninsula, Washington Sea Grant Jan Newton, Senior Principal Oceanographer and Affiliate Assistant Professor, Oceanography, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington Paul Hershberger, Field Station Leader and Research Fisheries Biologist, Marrowstone Marine Field Station, U.S. Geological Survey Paul Williams, Fisheries Biologist, Suquamish Tribe Please register here: