Upcoming NPLCC Science-Management Webinar: Implementing Climate-Smart Resource Mgmt In SW Oregon
Meeting Date: 8/24/2017
- 8/24/2017
Location: Webinar
Website: Website
Thursday, August 24th, 2017
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
Join presenters David Peterson, Jessica Halofsky, and Gwyn Myer for a discussion on this climate-smart resource adaptation management project, which builds on The Rogue Basin Action Plan for Resilient Watersheds and Forests in a Changing Climate. This project implemented recommendations from the Action Plan in resource management and planning, linking key vulnerabilities with specific adaptation strategies and tactics on the ground, and linking adaptation with restoration, planning, and resource monitoring programs across multiple land ownerships. Specific management objectives include:
Implement restoration projects that integrate climate-smart practices, a proof of concept for southwestern Oregon. Prioritize restoration projects in the Rogue Basin using the Action Plan and other ongoing efforts focused on restoration and adaptation in the region. Incorporate climate-smart adaptation practices in federal planning in southwestern Oregon. The publication “Developing and Implementing Climate Change Adaptation Options in Forest Ecosystems: A Case Study in Southwestern Oregon” emerged as a result of this project.