USGS National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center to Host Migratory Bird Workshop
Meeting Date: 1/17/2017
- 1/19/2017
Location: Shepherdstown, WV
Website: Website
Jan 17 2017 to Jan 19 2017
Shepherdstown, WV
The USGS National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center will host a workshop on migratory birds, habitat acquisition, and climate change at the National Conservation Training Center.
Migratory birds are showing complex responses to climate change, but effective management decisions are constrained by uncertainty and lack of actionable science. NCCWSC is developing a framework to guide research on climate change impacts to migratory birds. This workshop will will examine the most critical uncertainties and knowledge gaps associated with three important habitat acquisition programs: the Land and Water Conservation Fund; the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund; and conservation easements (through programs like the North American Wetlands Conservation Act grant).
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