Water Policy & Climate Change for Alaska Natives
Meeting Date: 5/10/2016
- 5/10/2016
Location: Webinar
Website: Website
Tuesday, May 10, 2016; 10-11am AKDT
Hal Shepherd - Principal Consultant, Water Policy Consulting, LLC
Water Policy Consulting, LLC, ACCAP, and tribal environmental and climate change professionals throughout the country, together, are offering the Winter 2015-16 Policy & Climate Adaptation Mitigation and Planning for Alaska Natives webinars series. The series will demonstrate how Native Villages and other communities in Alaska can apply state, federal and tribal policies to address climate change impacts on water and subsistence resources through water resource management and protection, land and water rights, sovereignty and other resiliency and mitigation strategies.
Presentation by Hal Shepherd, Water Policy Consulting, LLC. Provides Alaska Native Communities and environmental professionals with an overall understanding of how water policies, regulation, and laws apply to Alaska Native Communities and can be utilized to find solutions to environmental challenges including climate change.
Topics include: 1) Alaska Native Water rights under state instream flow, Constitution, Public Trust and related laws; 2) The Application of the Federal Trust Duty to Native Alaskan Tribal water interests; 3) Water Privatization and how it applies to Alaska; 4) Alaska Native Federally Reserved Water Rights? 5) Tribal Water Codes; 6) The Application of water rights and management to Climate Change for Alaska Natives.
Available online or in-person in 407 IARC/Akasofu building on the UAF campus.