Webinar: Blueprint for a Climate-Resilient Landscape
Meeting Date: 11/30/2015
- 11/30/2015
Location: Webinar
Website: Website
Blueprint for a Climate-Resilient Landscape The Lower Columbia River and adjacent coastal regions of Oregon and Washington contain a rich diversity of natural and cultural resources managed by a complex array of tribal sovereign nations, federal/state/local agencies, non-government conservation organizations, landowners, stakeholders and others. But our region lacks a current, comprehensive, landscape-scale blueprint that can be used to drive and align conservation efforts to achieve landscape-scale goals in response to stressors, such as climate change, energy development, and land/water use practices.
In response to this need, the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative has initiated a Landscape Conservation Design initiative for the Lower Columbia River and adjacent coastal shoreline - "Blueprint for a Climate-Resilient Landscape." This partner-driven, multi-stakeholder effort is an integrated, collaborative, and holistic process that is grounded in the interdisciplinary science of landscape ecology, the mission-oriented science of conservation biology, and the art of design. The process results in a science-based, spatially-explicit product that identifies targets of interest to partners, articulates measurable objectives; assesses current and projected landscape patterns and processes; and identifies a desired future condition, conservation and development trade-offs, and implementation strategies.
The first phase of the project will convene entities with natural and cultural resource interests in the Lower Columbia River and adjacent coastal shorelines to share their interests and clarify the need for the initiative. We will develop an approach for completing and implementing the results of the project to effectively inform management decisions that sustain natural resources in the face of climate change and other stressors.
Please join us on November 30, 2015 from 10am-11:30am PST via webinar. We invite you to discuss the process and approach, and work with us to assess how you and your organization can participate in the development of a blueprint for a climate-resilient landscape in our region.
To register for the webinar, please click on this link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3335420569809680642
If you have questions between now and the webinar, please contact NPLCC Coordinator John Mankowski at (360) 534-9330 or NPLCC Data Coordinator Tom Miewald at (503) 231-6840.